The Slate Electric Flosser

I’m a flossing enthusiast. Sorry, not sorry. 

I keep easy-to-access reels of floss around my home at all times. So, it was a novelty for me to begin using the Slate Electric Flosser in place of my traditional string floss.

I used the device - described by the company as 'the future of floss’  - for more than six weeks and interviewed CEO Brynn Snyder with key questions I had about it. 

Then, I went for a dental checkup and got my dentist’s verdict on my new electric flossing habit based on what she could see inside my mouth! 🦷👄

Watch the video and let me know your thoughts on my unexpected outcome. 😳

🔸 Get 10% off using code GEMMA10 at the Slate checkout. This is not an affiliate code.

❗️ Transparency: I do not earn any money from sales of the Slate Electric Flosser. I paid for my Slate Flosser Starter Kit just like any other customer. The company sent me a replacement after I had a technical issue and I returned my original kit to Slate Dental (you’ll see that explained in my video review). Slate did not finance the making of this video. 

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